7 Landing Page Optimization Tips to Drive Online Sales

Landing pages are one of the most critical tools B2B marketers use to attract new leads and generate online sales. Still, companies often miss conversion opportunities by creating too few landing pages or putting too little intention behind landing page content and strategy.
Applying landing page optimization tactics can boost your conversion results on these pages and earn you more revenue. Even better — they’re not difficult to execute. You’re already doing most of these things on your blog, in emails, and in other places where you’re marketing online.
In this article, we’ll explore 7 timeless, proven strategies for optimizing landing pages and getting customers to follow through.
Quick Takeaways
- The more landing pages you have, the more leads you’ll generate. Companies with 40+ landing pages generate 12x more leads than those with less than 5.
- Only 2 in 10 landing page visitors read past the headline.
- Your value proposition should be clear and always appear “above the fold.”
- Landing page copy should always be clear and concise (less is more).
- Every landing page needs a compelling CTA that tells customers what action to take.
- More than 90% of B2B buyers trust social proof content that appears on landing pages (testimonials, reviews, etc.).
7 Landing Page Optimization Tips to Drive Online Sales
Create more (and more relevant) landing pages
In a business world where words like streamline and centralize are everywhere (and for good reason!) it can feel counterintuitive to build a high volume of landing pages. But according to recent HubSpot research, that’s exactly what you should do.
In fact, companies that built 40 (!) landing pages were most successful, generating up to 12x more leads than companies with less than 5 landing pages.
The takeaway: don’t drive all (or even several) of your audiences to a single landing page. Make them as relevant as possible to specific client needs (and your specific offering to solve it).
Nail your headlines
For every 10 visitors to your landing pages, only 2 will read past your headlines. That means if you want your landing pages to convert, you need to write great headlines that grab attention and sell your visitors on the value of your offer.
On your landing pages, go beyond your title headline and think strategically about every subheading on your page. From the headlines alone, can customers get a complete idea about how your solutions can help them?
We like the example from VideoFruit below, which uses a question to grab attention, then tells customers exactly how they’ll deliver value. This list of 30 more landing page headline examples is great if you need more inspiration!
Make your value proposition clear
If you’re writing great headlines, you’re likely making your value proposition clear already. But we’ll reinforce the idea here, too. In short: keep your value proposition “above the fold” on your landing page. Online, that means people should never have to scroll to get to it.
Remember: people got to your landing page because they’re looking to solve a problem, accomplish something important, or otherwise meet a business need. Make it a priority to tell them first and foremost exactly how your company can help them do it.
Keep your copy short and sweet
When it comes to landing page copy, it’s best practice to keep things concise. In other words: get to the point. Why? Because landing pages are different than blog articles. They’re not designed to be overly informative (your blog and other pages on your website do that). Landing pages are designed to convert.
Make sure all of the copy on your page has a true purpose. Include the things we’ve already covered, like effective headlines and a strong value proposition. Other important things to have in your copy are CTAs and social proof content (more on those later).
The key takeaway is that every part of your copy adds value to the page. Fluff content is never needed for landing pages — it only creates the risk that customers will leave before they get to the important stuff.
Drive conversions with social proof
Did you know that a whopping 92.4% of B2B buyers said they’re more likely to buy a product or service after they’ve read a trusted review about it?
Social proof (reviews, testimonials, case studies) are one of the most powerful forms of referral marketing you have in your marketing and sales toolbox. Including them on your landing page is a sure way to increase conversions.
Still keep with the principles of short and sweet copy, but do include testimonials or links to case studies that demonstrate real-world examples of how you deliver results for your clients.
Write compelling CTAs
Calls to action (CTAs) are a necessity if you want prospective clients to know what to do next when they visit your landing page. Don’t assume they’ll act unless you give them an intentional nudge in the right direction.
CTAs can also be quite concise — think “Start my free trial!” or “Shop now!” — so don’t over complicate them. But do make sure they’re always there and always prominent. A landing page best practice is to put CTAs on a prominent button so visitors don’t miss it and know where to click.
Limit distractions with simple design
Just as with copy, design should be kept simple so the focus stays on what’s most important: your value proposition and the action that will spur conversion. Busy design and visuals can not only distract visitors but turn them off to your page. Keep landing page design clean and drive customer attention toward taking the next step in their buyer journey.
Putting it all together
We aim to drive traffic to our landing pages just like we do other pages on our site — blogs, about pages, and more. But landing pages serve a very specific purpose: conversion. Unlike many other pages on our websites, less is more when it comes to landing page success.
To create landing pages that truly drive online sales, focus on the most important things you have to say, then drive buyer action so you can follow up with more information (and eventually, to close the deal).
Launch a Winning Lead Generation Strategy
Optimized landing pages are one of the best ways to give your B2B lead generation strategy a boost.
Looking for more complete lead generation support? Revboss’s outbound email software and lead generation services are custom-built for startups, consultancies, marketing agencies, and other B2B organizations.
Schedule a quick call with us and find out how we can help you win more clients.