Cold Emails Aren’t Dead – Your Approach Is

Despite the disruptions caused by COVID-19, email campaigns persisted as a vital avenue for business interaction. Now, with some semblance of normalcy returning, the question arises: do email campaigns retain their relevance?

This question holds significance for businesses across industries, as email lists represent a potential long-term lifeline for sustained operations. Thus, the focus shifts to crafting emails that offer value-added propositions, prompting recipients not only to open them but also to engage further and ultimately make purchases. How can we ensure our emails captivate recipients and drive meaningful actions?

Eric Boggs joins Connie Whitman on this episode of Changing The Sales Game to discuss how cold emailing is not dead, but perhaps your approach is.

To listen to more episodes, head to Apple Podcasts or YouTube.

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Our outbound email campaigns are informed by years of experience building sales pipelines for companies with a desire for steady growth. Schedule a call with us to find out how we can help you win more clients.