Geo-Targeting in Prospecting and Cold Email Outreach

Watch Alice, a copywriter at RevBoss, discuss the importance of personalized messaging in achieving success in email outreach. Making your message relevant to the prospect is crucial because if you can’t quickly convey why you are reaching out to them with a specific offer, they’re likely to ignore your message.

One of the tactics we use to enhance email engagement is geo-targeting, which involves emailing people and businesses in a specific geographic area, such as a city, state, or region. Alice shares some statistics showing a client with an average lead rate of 0.6%, but when geo-targeting is employed, the lead rate increases to 0.88%, indicating its effectiveness.

She suggests that while you can reach out to larger regions like states or cities, it’s even more successful to target individuals in your immediate area. Alice provides examples of how to craft geo-targeted messages, including mentioning shared locations or adding local landmarks, restaurants, or neighborhoods. These local details make the sender seem more relatable and give prospects more reasons to read and respond to the message.