Lead Generation for AV Production Companies | RevBoss

It’s no wonder visual content gets 94% more views than plain text. Audiovisual content adds faces and voices to a brand, making it feel more genuine, lively, and trustworthy. 

That fact stands strong in B2B: 70% of B2B marketers have reported that video content helps lead converts. Because video is a huge part of AV content, capitalizing on its power can help you generate a steady stream of promising prospects.  

No matter what type of AV content your brand creates – promotional videos, commercials, animations, or even film – it can hugely benefit from a bump in lead generation. 

Although lead-gen can be particularly tough for AV companies (as it is for marketing agencies), we’re here to help you swerve these challenges like a pro.

Key Takeaways

  • Use video’s versatility to engage different audiences by creating different types of content, like promotional clips, training videos, or behind-the-scenes looks. This keeps your brand visible across multiple platforms.
  • Address challenges unique to AV production, such as unreliable referrals, seasonality issues, and communication difficulties because of travel. Understanding these can help manage them better and ensure a steady flow of leads.
  • Optimize your online presence for local searches with geo-targeting SEO. This helps your business appear in search results for nearby potential clients, increasing the likelihood of landing projects quickly.
  • Regularly test and adjust your messaging to ensure it connects with your target audience. Adapt your pitch to highlight your strengths and align with industry needs to attract higher-quality leads and save time on poor-fit opportunities.

Why Lead Generation Is an Extra Hurdle for AV Production Companies?

Referrals Can Be Unpredictable

Like video-only production companies, AV production companies rely heavily on referrals and networking in a feast-or-famine cycle. This creates an over-reliance on existing relationships and word-of-mouth, which is fine if your cup is full. However, if the network is weak or referral sources dry up, it can significantly affect lead generation and business stability. 

Seasonality Strikes

Especially if they’re involved in events or live performances with peak seasons, trying to foresee and manage seasonality issues can feel like jumping through hoops. A consistent pipeline of leads solves the problem of smoothing out the ebbs and flows and securing a reliable inflow of projects – even when demand is low. 

Travel Complicate Communications

Many AV professionals travel frequently for events, shoots, or client meetings. While it’s a part of their job, being frequently on the move can make it hard to coordinate meetings and schedules. Booking projects with poor-fit leads can also result in wasted time, resources, and patience. 

Potential Delay in ROI

Deal sizes and project scopes will most likely vary, which affects how long it takes to see a return on investment. That’s particularly true for larger projects, for which ROI can take longer than six months to emerge. This is tricky because showing ROI is one of the best ways to build trust with prospects. 

Attract the Right Traffic (Preferably within Driving Distance)

When looking for an AV service provider, potential clients want something other than a team with a studio, mics, and cameras. They have a story and need the right partner to say it right. 

Unless they find your company through referrals, they’ll most likely be looking for an AV service provider on the search engines. That’s why you must show up when they need you most. 

Implementing SEO strategies such as keeping an active blog and banking on the right keywords is the way to go. But for production companies, location arguably matters the most, so geo-targeting SEO is your best friend. 

As mentioned above, traveling for video work can be cost- and time-consuming, so it’s beneficial for both client and prospect to coordinate closely and plan. With geo-targeting, you can have your business appear in search results for users in specific locations when they search for your target keywords. This helps you connect with people nearby, simplifying business for both sides.

A Generic Value Proposition = Generic Leads 

Let’s say you’re an organization that aims to create positive change in the world, such as recruiting foster carers. Which production company would you instead work with: a big company that has an impressive array of diverse projects…or one that’s smaller but focuses exclusively on creating animated videos for purpose-led organizations?

You know the answer.

Understanding your ideal client profile (ICP), your buyer personas, and your value proposition helps you showcase your top strengths. This way, you avoid wasting time on leads that aren’t a good fit.

The key is aligning your main offer with the industry’s current needs. Ideally, you should determine the types of content you specialize in and identify which sectors or job roles would benefit from these. 

For example, if you specialize in creating high-impact corporate training videos, identify industries like tech or finance that frequently need these videos for employee development. Tailor your pitch to show how your training videos can address their needs and improve their team’s skills.

Of course, you won’t always be able to pinpoint the right industries and people immediately. Consistently testing your messaging and surveying your audience is crucial to ensure it conveys the value they seek. 

Use Audiovisuals at Every Stage of the Sales Funnel

Nearly 90% of B2B customers watch videos during their customer journey and at every touchpoint. Furthermore, 73% of online users claim to prefer video over text when learning about new products and services. 

Yet, surprisingly enough, 95% of your target audience isn’t actively in “purchase mode.” Your sales funnel goal is to stay engaged with your target audience and keep your brand visible, even when they’re not ready to buy.

Fortunately, audiovisual content is versatile enough to keep your calendar full with…

  • Product reviews
  • Testimonials
  • Brand stories
  • Highlight reels 
  • Creative product demos
  • Webinars
  • And much more

If that sounds too much, you can always repurpose one piece of content to produce all the above with little effort.

Build Up Rapport and Trust

Many large companies already have an internal video team or existing agency partners, which can be a roadblock. After all, they might not be interested in switching or adding new partners. Unless your offer matches their needs to a T, they’ll stick to what they already know. 

Yes, switching is difficult but doable. Especially if you make the switch a no-brainer by proving your process and expertise. There are a number of ways you can make that happen:

What Does Your Typical Process Look Like?

To truly impress potential clients, show them you know your stuff about everything you do –  from pre-production to editing – and how these techniques have helped meet your existing client’s marketing or communication goals. 

For example, behind-the-scenes footage can be a great way to let your audience see the faces and personalities of the team working on the project. It adds a fun, personal touch and gives potential clients a glimpse of what it’s like to collaborate with you.

What Have You Already Achieved?

You have an impressive array of projects, but you shouldn’t tuck them away at some “Our Work” section of your website. If you have a portfolio, flaunt it. Ideally, you should highlight your projects and your company’s mission vision and how all aspects of your work come together nicely. 

If your work has helped your clients achieve measurable growth, video case studies will likely drive more traction than plain old docs. Still, make sure to showcase your results in different formats whenever/wherever possible. 

What Are Satisfied Customers Saying?

Your happy customers are your best advocates – their words are much more likely to convince your audience that your product is worth it. 

Yes, their smiley face next to carefully selected wording might look great, but how about interviewing them in your studio? How about letting them speak open-heartedly about their experience with you? That makes for a much more visceral experience. If you can curate, caption, and distribute clips on social media, you’ll be serving everyone well—even those who won’t watch the entire thing. 

The Awesome Thing About AV is…You Can Make Them All In One

For example, take a look at the following video. It’s a laid-back conversation between Ciarra from RevBoss and Justin from StoryBoard Media

In a single video, we’ve made sure to highlight:

  • What the prospect was going through/looking for 
  • How RevBoss’s SDR-as-a-service generated 10-16 promising leads a month. 
  • The results post-collaboration (the client had so much work they were having trouble handling projects)

All through a well-produced and, quite modestly, hilarious audiovisual production. 

Don’t Ignore Outbound

The goal is to attract the right leads and reach them. While inbound is a powerful strategy to build brand awareness, it’s a longer-game strategy. As in, you shouldn’t expect perfect-fit leads by tomorrow or Friday.

We say “longer game” because outbound approaches, too, require tons of testing and patience to reach the right leads. However, they tend to get results faster than inbound because they let you directly reach out to potential clients more likely to need your services. By targeting these prospects, you can start conversations immediately, address their needs, and close deals faster.

Understandably, outbound can be counterproductive and interruptive if your ICPs and buyer personas are out of whack. That’s why relying on a specialized partner can make your efforts a lot more effective.

Consider Partnering With Experts Who Can Amplify Your Reach

Technically, your only job is to 1) craft powerful sales pitches to promising leads and 2) close those leads. These are the two dependable factors to expand your client base and establish connections that fuel long-term growth.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

An outbound lead generation partner like RevBoss can tackle the “client-getting” side of things by…

  • Uncovering the right prospects, as well as what will move them to get in touch with you
  • Building the strategy and writing custom messaging for your lead-gen program (through targeted ads, email outreach, chat, and more)
  • Driving every step of the lead-gen process for you to where your team’s calendar will be ready with consistent, promising prospect conversations. All you have to do is work your pitching + closing magic.

We’ll work with you to measure and optimize the leads we’ve generated for you so that your team’s inboxes and calendars can receive even better leads in the future. Contact us today to learn how we can help you focus only on creating, pitching, and closing. Nothing more.