We’re Number #1111! We’re Number #1111!

RevBoss is #1111 on the INC 5000, the annual list of the fastest growing private companies in the United States.
Even better — we have 12 clients on the list. 🙂
We’re happy about it! We did the hard work – and generated an awful lot of sales leads for our clients – to earn the recognition, so it feels good to celebrate the win. And of course I’m incredibly proud of and grateful for the RevBuds, clients, and partners that helped us make it happen.
Our business was on life support in 2018 – we’d burned through our seed financing with little to show for it and had to cut the team from 12 to 5 just to stay afloat.
And that’s what we did for a couple years – we stayed afloat by retooling our product, building a great team, and taking care of our clients.
Doing this over and over – obsessing over our product, team, and clients – hasn’t been easy but it’s had an amazing compounding effect over time, largely in that the years of grinding affirmed the values and identity that we call HAT Culture.
And now here we are – 54 RevBuds (and hiring more), 200+ clients around the world, and – per INC. Magazine – one of the fastest growing companies in the US.
It feels really nice to get recognition for what we’re building. But we’re very much still obsessing like it’s 2018.