How Spacejunk Rocketed to Success with RevBoss

Like many creative studios, Spacejunk didn’t have time to manage an outbound marketing program while maintaining high standards of creativity. So they turned to RevBoss to streamline their lead generation.

Thanks to our partnership, Spacejunk was able to cut back on the time they spent sourcing leads while also boosting overall lead quality.

The Challenge: Limited Time and Resources

Spacejunk is known for its innovative and high-quality creative projects, but efficient outbound marketing remained a challenge. Kelly Sells, who leads business development, was struggling with time and resource constraints. Traditional lead generation tools required extensive setup and maintenance and were too complex. Spacejunk needed a quick, hassle-free solution.

“[RevBoss] cuts out so much of the…administrative time that I spend. That is so valuable to Spacejunk. So the trigger…was finding a partner that can take all that administrative time away…”

The Solution: RevBoss

Unlike other tools, RevBoss provided immediate value by allowing Kelly to “start with a lead” right away. No long setups or complicated software to get bogged down in — just instant results.

“Start with a Lead”: Immediate Value

For Kelly, the real magic was in RevBoss’s ability to deliver valuable leads from the get-go.

“The aha moment for us was finding a partner that… [allowed] us to start with a valuable lead.”

RevBoss gave Kelly a partner who could provide the same high-quality research she was doing in her own lead generation alongside the efficiency and speed of a software platform, saving her precious time and maintaining lead quality. 

“I’m spending [time] doing research, looking for emails, looking for phone numbers… the content that our potential clients are doing. I can spend weeks doing that.”

By blending advanced technology and the personalized, strategic support of an experienced team, RevBoss was able to meet Kelly’s expectations for quality meetings with target prospects.

“I evaluate the value by the number of calls that I have, the number of referrals I have, by the number of meetings and pitches.”

Technology Drives Business Results

RevBoss transformed Spacejunk’s lead generation with 3 key features:

1. Targeted Lead Identification: Using company-level and person-level signals, RevBoss identified and qualified leads that aligned with Spacejunk’s ideal customer profile and were likely to convert.

2. Personalized Outreach: With RevBoss, Spacejunk automated their outreach campaigns with personalized email templates, AI-generated and scheduled follow-ups, and engagement tracking, significantly reducing manual effort.

3. Back-off Setup: Spacejunk never once had to worry about their domain reputation or spam issues, because RevBoss’s deliverability mechanism automatically managed the back-off setup.

AI in all the right places.

In the right places, with the right use cases, AI can drastically improve outbound marketing. Kelly saw the immediate value when she adopted RevBoss’s AI-powered Inbox feature.

The AI responses that RevBoss is offering… sound like me. Just the way [RevBoss] is providing an upkeep on technology… for us is a huge value.”

RevBoss Inbox uses personal and company characteristics to create highly personalized replies and follow-ups, moving prospects closer to booked meetings.

The example below offers some specific personalization signals we leverage to pique curiosity in the follow-up copy:

  1. Credibility – referencing the length of time Kelly and her team have worked in this space.
  2. Geography – referencing the location of the prospect AND the proximity to Spacejunk’s team.
  3. Humor – maybe the most humanizing element, but you’ll notice the second line has a bit of a humorous undertone.

Conclusion: A Proven Partner in Success

The partnership between Spacejunk and RevBoss yielded impressive results. It wasn’t just another username/password for Spacejunk. It was an efficient process that netted closed opportunities.

“In the last three weeks, we’ve done 7 pitches that were all [from] RevBoss.”

For Spacejunk, RevBoss proved to be the ideal partner. By enabling Kelly and her team to “start with a lead,” RevBoss transformed their outreach process, enhanced productivity, and drove growth.

If you’re looking for a lead generation solution that offers instant value and streamlines your outbound marketing efforts, it’s time to consider RevBoss. Just like Spacejunk, you can achieve stellar results and focus on what you do best—creating and innovating.

Contact RevBoss today and discover how you can propel your business to new heights.