A Roadmap for Your Master To-Do List: The New RevBoss Dashboard

For salespeople, time and productivity are of the utmost importance. With monthly goals on the line, you can’t waste time wondering what to do next.

We just launched a brand new dashboard to make your sales life more productive and more successful by giving you an overview and roadmap for tackling your master to-do list — just set up your process, define some rules and let RevBoss tell you what you should do next.

The dashboard is divided into three columns to make it easy to work through your most important activities.


View any segments that are currently in-progress, as well as completed segments that are waiting to be reviewed. The red circles indicate the number of prospects in each segment that haven’t been added to a flow, and you can easily access each segment to take action on new prospects by clicking the link on each card.


After working through your segments, the next column displays phone call steps that need to be completed — so if the second step in your sales flow is a phone call, each prospect on that step will show up on this list. No need to worry about going into each flow to figure out who you need to call and when you need to call them — they’ll be centrally located in the dashboard.


Finally, the last column displays LinkedIn connections waiting to be made. Similar to call steps, if you have any LinkedIn steps in your flows, prospects that advance through that step will be added to this list.

Our goal is for you to be able to easily access everything that is currently in progress from the main dashboard, without having to jump around from screen to screen.

And, if you don’t have activities already in the queue (like what’s showing under call steps in the screenshot), we’ll prompt you to get your butt in gear and create some new ones. 😉

So — cheers to getting more work done, getting it done faster, and closing more deals!

Shoot us a note if you’d like to see a demo.